Friday 25 March 2011

Digi Pack Research Album 4

The colour on this cover is basically all the same and looks very bland the majority of the cover is just different shades of blue which make the album match. The only different colour is the flames which are orange and yellow, and the album name which is on a brown piece of wood. I think they used these bland colours to makes the flames stand out more and have more of an impact on the audience.
The text on this cover is quite varied the logo, the album name and the band name are all written really differently. This is to show the bands individuality and how they like everything different. The main piece of text is the logo they have focused most of the attention on this as you can tell by the flames around it.
The layout is very organized and has 3 separate parts the logo, the title and the band name it’s quite a bland cover but because of the logo it draws a lot of attention to people which means that they will want to pick it up and have a look a the music.
There is not so much a picture on the cover but there is a logo which is bight and colourful and full of life which I think they wanted to do to draw attention to the audience. This will show the audience that there a bit out of control and so is there music.

Digi Pack Research Album 3

The colour on this cover is very bright and happy suggesting that this is what the music is going to be like. The black and white parts around the outside makes the cover look quite vintage then as the colour gets further to the middle the colour gets more yellow and orange partly suggesting a sun which corresponds to the band name “The Summer Set”.
The text on this cover changes quite a lot for example the album name “Love Like This” the words “Love” and “This” are the same but the word “Like” is a different font and size showing that the middle word is different and suggesting that the album will be different.  The band name has what looks like hand written text to relate to the audience. The big capital “S” stands out a lot on this cover and draws attention to itself and the cover of the album. The “the” in the band name is a lower case letter suggesting that its not as important as the Summer and the Set which both share the capital S which suggests that the band name can be abbreviated to summer Set.

The layout of this album is probably one of my favourites because the edges of it shows less colour, less exiting pictures and less text. As cover goes towards the middle the album becomes a lot more happier showing more colour, more text and happier pictures. This suggests that there will be a verity of songs from sad songs representing the edges and happy songs which represent the middle of the cover.
On this cover there is not just one picture but many pictures in the form of photographs. The photos look like they are from summer time and they capture a lot of happy moments. The pictures are mostly of teenagers suggesting that that is who the album is for.

Digi Pack Research Album 2

This album is very colour coordinated and draws attention to the main title of the band name. The black and white looks very professional and goes well with the red title. The idea of adding very little colour into the cover is a very good idea because it looks professional and draws attention to the main part of the album which interests the listener.
The text on the cover is very snappy it’s short and sweet. The title is in big, bold capital letters to show the importance of the text  and suggests that the band is a big, bold band. In my opinion they have done this to draw attention to the CD and make people want to buy it. The text at the bottom of the cover is a lot smaller and has less colour to make it different but it still keeps in with the capitals to make them look in sink. This is a very good idea because it shows good presentational skills and makes the band look professional.
The layout of this album is very organized with the band name at the top, the album name at the bottom and on the rest of the cover its the picture filling it up. This is very basic but still looks good at the same time the colour and the capital letters make the cover stand out while the rest of it is very traditional and professional. The way the band name is written and the slight bit of colour in the picture is there to  show similarities between the two and make the cover stand out more.

The picture on this cover is very interesting because it shows little to no colour and the man dressed in the background is wearing a suit  which I think suggests he is contained and when he holds the microphone to him colour bursts out showing that the music is making him free.


Digi Pack Research Album 1

The colour of the cover is very basic and is mostly the same colour apart from the heart which is a very bright red this is because the attention is supposed to be drawn to the heart. It stands out on the page. Once the viewer reads it they automatically look below it and read the band name, making them want to listen to the CD.

The text of the cover is quite varied for example the band name is very bold and looks almost hand written this is because it gives the audience a personal touch and relates to them by writing how people at home would which makes the audience want to pick it up and listen to it. The text underneath which is the album name is a lot smaller and thinner. The writing is a lot more neater and has lost the personal touch this could be to show the audience that they are professional as well which is reassurance for the audience that the music is good.
The layout of this cover is very clever because they may have put a picture in the cover but they put it in the back out of focus. On the other hand the main part of the picture and the band name have been put solidly in the middle. The title and the photo are the things that first catch your eye and the other part of the picture have been put in to make the album not look boring when the audience take a proper look at it. This is a very good idea to catch people’s attention and keep it.
The picture in this album is quite twisted the tree itself is quite creepy and dark and it just does not look friendly. On the other hand the heart is bright and loving and draws you into it and suggests love but the fact that the heart is hanging itself is quite twisted because of how loving the heart looks. An album cover with a mixed message like this makes people want to listen to it and see what the music is about which I think is a very good idea.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

       When it was first created ?
       How has is developed ?
       What is the brand meaning? – has this developed/changed through its lifecycle?
       Are there any interesting facts about the chosen logo ?
       Compare it to those in the same market – how does it differentiate itself  ?
       What is the brand portfolio? How has it extended itself from its main market? What else does it produce – clothes, music, shoes  ?
       How does the brand market itself? – use adverts to support here  ?
       Does the brand sponsor anyone/anything and if so what dose this say about the brand ?
       Is it a global product? -  Is the meaning the same globally or has it had to change its name ?

Magazine Ideas

·        Wedding – My brother’s wedding photos.
·        Music - Pictures of my friends band.
·        Clothes – My friend modelling outfits.
·        Dance-My friends dancing in the dance studio.
·        Sport-Watching the rugby games and taking pictures etc.
·        Film-Taking photos of all the new films out.
·        Games-Taking photos of all the new games out.
·        T.V.- Picking the most popular T.V. programs.
·        Cooking-Taking pictures of my mum’s cooking.
·        Books-My favourite books.
·        Furniture-Different furniture from my friend’s houses.


Copyrighting is where a person creates there own piece of work such as a book or a song or even a film and then has it copyrighted so that no one else is allowed to use it without there permission. Anyone who uses the idea can be sued by the creator for thousands of pounds.

Depending on what the creator has created the copyrighted item can last an extremely long time. If it’s a literary, dramatic or artistic piece of work copyrights will last for 70 years after the year of the known authors death. If there is more than one author then its 70 years after the last author dies.
If its something such as photographs then they again are copyrighted for 70 years after the photographer dies.
However if it’s a piece of work such as sound recordings, broadcasts, cable programmes or computer generated works the copyrighting lasts for 50 years from the end of the year they were made, released or first broadcast.

Not so long ago the creator of avatar James Camron started being sued by a lot of people who say that they has the idea for avatar first. Take Emil Malak for example he is a restaurateur from Vancouver. He is suing James Cameron and 20th century fox over the biggest movie in the world to date Avatar. Malak is suing Mr Cameron because as amazing as the film Avatar was it bares to much resemblance to his movies idea “Terra Incognita” which he wrote back in the year 1996. He claims that the characters and the screenplay are his own.

Mr Malak does not imply that James Camron stole his idea but he did have the ideas from “Terra Incognita” in mind when writing Avatar. Therefore he used his idea to get started on the film which Mr Malak should be taking credit for. Malak claims that he came up with the idea when his sons suggested it to him. After giving him the idea he used all his funds and hired a screen writer and a graphic artist to create the movie and its characters.

The similarities between the movie “Tarra Incognita” and “Avatar” are the fact that both films can be found in the premise of humans mining another plant for rare minerals. Also the tree within “Avatar” that keep the collective memories of the people from space is also in the film “Tarra Incognita”. Also the blue characters from the “Avatar” are much like the characters within Malaks story the characters all have yellow eyes, spotted faces, flat noses and braided hair.

I think that yes the similarities are very close between the two story ideas but I do not think that James Camron stole the idea for “Avatar” from Mr Malak there are a lot of ideas in the area about aliens which means some are going to resemble others.

By Lauren McNeaney


Globalisation is a verity of different corporations that are extremely large such as McDonalds, Nike or Fanta. Companies like these are extremely successful and have taken over the majority of towns, cities and villages which is very good for them and keeps them in business. Although it may be good for the companies themselves it is a massive struggle toward small corner shop owners to keep their shops open and make the profit they need.   This is because the larger companies have cheaper prices which makes the public want to buy there items from the larger companies. The only good side as such is that the fact that in the majority of MEDC’S people can do more shopping more regularly in the bigger supermarkets which hold all of the bigger brands. When they buy, because it’s at a cheaper price than at smaller shops it means that the GDP of that area in particular will increase leaving people with more money to be able to take their family out and make time for leisure activities therefore it leaves that country economically stronger in the future.
As much as we feel that globalisation is a good thing because it gives us cheaper prices and gives us a stable economy but there is a bad side to globalisation. The companies may give us cheap prices but that’s only because the companies buy them for less because of what the manufacturers are paid. In LEDC’S these large companies have set up sweatshops where people are willing to work for less because they have no other option. On average a sweatshop employee is paid $2 not every hour but every week which is slave labour. As terrible as the pay is for these people what makes it worse is that they can’t even rise against it to get better pay because if they do then it is more than probable that the company will pace up and leave to a different country where they can start again and give the employees the same amount as they were giving the last load of workers. There is a solution to this problem if the leaders of the MEDC’S would stop offering people 3-5 tax free work area, if they did this MEDC companies could set up their own companies and boost their own economy. Although this idea may not work because many people in MEDC’S don’t have any qualifications or job experience therefore by working in these factories even though the pay is terrible it’s still a job and it’s probably one of the only job’s they can get in there country. Also by getting these jobs they can increase the amount of money within the country and all of its needs.